Sometimes good people need a little help to make their lives whole. They come seeking relief from poverty, political oppression, and family abuse or neglect. We see them every day, disguised as mind-numbing, impersonal statistics. Sometimes it’s all too easy to forget that there are people hidden behind the numbers. And the only real way to create change, to help create better lives, to penetrate the fog of the statistics, is one person at a time. That is why at LSF, we strive for permanent change, offering a hand up not a hand out.

Helping our Florida Community
I've been doing this job for more than five years and to watch these young people turn their lives around right before my eyes is still the best part.
– Jillian Durdan, LSF Family Focus Counselor
Children and families served through community counseling, foster care & adoption and family support programming
Youth found refuge and direction at one of our shelters or group homes
Refugees and immigrants from around the globe served
Adults supported who were at risk of exploitation due to age, disabilities or other life altering issues

We work to protect and advocate for adults who may be unable to do so for themselves.
Adult Advocacy

CINS/FINS (Children in Need of Services / Families in Need of Services) works with teens and families in crisis or distressing situations in both residential and non-residential environments.
Residential Services
Community Counseling

Our Crisis Intervention & Case Management program is dedicated to supporting and guiding children and families on their journey towards safety, well-being, and lasting stability. It is through our highly trained and skilled service providers that we are able to envelop children and their families in care and services that yield positive outcomes.
Crisis Intervention & Case Management

LSF is dedicated to supporting survivors of labor and sex trafficking through Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) in Tampa Bay Area.
Human Trafficking

LSF Family Focus is dedicated to helping children and families thrive in their everyday lives by offering programs and services such as Connecting Family Paths and the Children’s Board Family Resource Centers. We work to build up communities and ensure families have the support they need to remain connected.
Prevention & Diversion

We offer programs for refugees and immigrants to ensure they build safe and stable lives. Through assistance with housing, employment and permanent citizenship – LSF is dedicated to assisting newcomers to our country find equity in their new lives.
Refugee and Resettlement Services
Immigration Services

This program is an in-depth, comprehensive treatment program for child sexual and physical abuse victims aged 3 through 17 and their families.
Sexual Abuse Treatment
Taking the first steps to getting help for you, your family, or a loved one is always hard.
Just know you are not alone in this journey.