for teens in crisis
LSF Family Focus | Grace Place is a LSF program in Palm Beach County that exists to help at-risk youth thrive. At Grace Place, clients find a short term living environment where they can receive support services and build independent living skills in a caring and nurturing atmosphere.
LSF Grace Place is comprised of 7 residential homes serving up to 33 youth. Upon admission, services are designed to help them strive toward improved behavioral, relational, and educational measures in order to become self-sufficient and healthy adults.
A significant component of Grace Place operations is the therapeutic milieu supported by youth mentors. As well, the presence and availability of full-time licensed therapists give youth the opportunity to receive individual and family counseling that is tailored to their best interests.
All youth also receive services based on their specific situation – their permanency plan, educational and vocational goals, medical and physical health, transportation, independent living goals (if applicable), advocacy needs, referrals to community services, and other identified needs.